Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Taking the Church Outside it's walls: ORLC at Mirror Lake

This past Sunday the congregation of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (ORLC) took the church “outside their walls” for their annual Mirror Lake service which is held on Father’s Day. The service is at Mirror Lake State Wayside Park which ironically has a lake called “Mirror Lake”. The day of the service the temperatures were cooler and it was a rather foggy, kind of dreary day. The weather did not keep us down as the members of Our Redeemer gathered with their lawn chairs to share in worship.

The worship service was special for several reasons. First, the service was on father’s day and second because at this service the baptism of Gavin Alexander Roelfs, son of Scott and Tabitha. I always get excited when there is a baptism. It fills me with joy to witness the priceless grace of one entering into God’s forever family.So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians 3:26-27

Since the service was outside the service music was led by a team of strong singers and two guitars Jim and myself. It went very well and even though the abyss of the outdoors tried to take away the sound, the leadership of singers and enthusiastic congregation members prevailed and the service went well. The rain held off until after the service was over, and the mosquitoes did not bite as much as I was anticipating. It was overall a very good day, and a great service.

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