Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Busy Sunday

Sunday was very busy. The day started out with Connections Service which meant guitar for me. I was blessed to have a team of vocalists and guitarists to allow for a less stressful worship experience for me personally.

Toward the end of the service was the Graduate Faith Milestone Ministry Blessing. Each senior gets a laundry bag as they soon learn of the never-ending process called…laundry. The laundry bags were hand crafted by myself with the bible verse 1 Corinthians 6:11 “But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the spirit of our God”. This is to remind the seniors each time they do their laundry that they too were washed clean of their sins. But the seniors did not just get a laundry bag. Just as Christ has given us tools to use throughout life so we as a congregation provided them with some necessary components to launder each with a special meaning attached.
Duncan, Brad & Justin :)
  1. First the “All-mighty” laundry soap: Remember the All-Mighty Lord and look to Him as He will protect you as you journey on. 
  2. Next the “Resolve” spot remover: Take it and remember It is He who will provide for your needs, and resolve your every trouble, sorrow and setback. 
  3. Finally the gain dryer sheets: That you may be reminded of what you gain in eternity. Philippians 3:7-9 “But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.

After worship many things happened, and all at once. It was VBS promo week which meant the pre-5th graders got to make a craft, play a game, and whack a piƱata so as to get a sneak peek at what the VBS theme and week will be like. Our VBS this years is Amazing Wonders Aviation and it’s all about soaring with God and seeing his creation.

Also after the service was the graduation reception. Cake, blue punch (as the school color is blue), and graduate footprints on the youth room wall. Additionally the middle schoolers who have completed 8th grade get to put their handprints on the wall as they move up to the official youth group age.

Immediately after the service I dashed downstairs to first commemorate the 8th graders. With hands painted and smiles upon their faces I witnessed the 8th graders rite of passage to youth group. I was exciting and a bit saddened knowing that as they transition into youth group I will not get to be there as they embark on mission trips, lock-in's and retreats. It's sad but I'm so excited for them too. I'm grateful to have been their confirmation teacher for a year and to get to know each of them.

Hanna-Love this girl!

Mitchell is so tall he can reach clear above the doorway


Silly Steven!
Simultaneously as the hand prints were going up and the seniors were at the reception upstairs the pre-5th graders were with Ericka and the other Children's Church teachers leading the VBS activities. I caught glimpses of the activities as I was in-between things. The kids played Trinity Line-Up, and created Jesus Loves Me cupcake-cones. Of course no kick-off is complete without a pinata. 

Trinity Line Up

Following the middle school hand prints the high school footprint ceremony got rolling. Our youth room wall of feet had limited space so our ambitious seniors opted for the ceiling. This seems like a great idea but would take some doing.

We rallied up some men and Justin took the first plunge. Justin's footprints looked more like a big ole' smear.   Turns out there were 4 sets of smear instead of 2 (1 for each foot). In good spirits we asked if Justin wanted a re-do. With a smile on his face and a personality that fits the 4 smears, he said it looked good. Justin is so funny and outgoing and just takes it as it comes so I suppose his 4 blobs of feet is a tribute to that.

Next was Duncan. Duncan is a runner and has been trained to PLANT his feet. Instead of being lifted he told us he would rather do a handstand. Using a coffee table for added height Duncan planted two perfect prints upon the ceiling.

Defying Gravity

Finally it was Brad's turn. Brad too has a sense of humor to light up any room. With ticklish feet his smile once again captured the onlookers. Lifted up Brad's feet complete. 
A bit ticklish 

It was fun and again a bitter sweet moment. All three of these boys are super smart, and very talented. There is no doubt in my mind that they will do well.


A full Sunday and full weekend for that matter. I love this internship so much i'm going to go through withdraw when I leave in a month. The people here, relationships built, memories harnessed, and growth encountered is unlike anything I've ever experienced. It's so satisfying to know that God called me to Alaska for a reason and a purpose and I feel I have fulfilled that purpose. To God be the Glory!

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