Today I awoke to a mouse in my bed…yes you read that correctly. At first I thought it was the family cat Beanie, but it was a mouse. I threw back the covers and grabbed the nearest item I could find, a swifter wet jet, and chased him.
I went back to bed and then awoke several hours later to the sound of a crackling plastic bag in my garbage can next to my bed. It was Mr. Mouse again…
I grabbed the garbage can and tried to capture him under it but he was too fast. I followed him into the dining room where he ran behind a large entertainment center.
I’m used to mice in the house as I grew up in a hundred year old house with far too many cracks and hiding places. We always seem to get anywhere from a half dozen to a full dozen mice each year throughout the winter months.
Both Chuck and Teri were gone, Jorge (the dog) was gone too. So I grabbed the cat Beanie. I come from a farm and we have lots of farm cats. Our farm cats they are, for the most part, good mousers, Beanie…well…here’s what happened next.
Bring in the cat! |
I ran in the laundry room because I remembered seeing a mouse trap behind the heater. I grabbed it and set it. When I came back out in the dining room the mouse was running across the floor IN FRONT of Beanie into the kitchen. One would think that Beanie as a cat would at least be curious and chase the mouse, if for no other reason than because it’s a moving object. Nope this was not the case. Beanie sat on the ground with his feet under himself rather content.
So much for being a mouser.... |
I grabbed the swifter again and went into the kitchen. I saw him run under the sink so I opened the cupboard. He then ran out over my feet and back across the floor (in front of Beanie who held little interest at all) and back behind the entertainment center.
He ran behind the entertainment center... |
I moved the entertainment center only to find what I believe is his home. Mouse turds and everything!
So I placed a trap in front of his home and I hope to catch him this afternoon while I’m gone babysitting, but we shall see.
His home...mouse turds and all! |
Now we wait... |
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