Friday, October 21, 2011

NW District Conference: The Final Day

Today was the final day of the NW District all workers conference. We were a part of this thing called a “case study”. Each participant at the conference was assigned a table number. They tried to split it so there was, at least, one pastor, one DCE, and one Lutheran Classroom Teacher (LCT) at each table. I was table number 47. I was the only DCE present amongst 3 other pastors including Pastor Brandt from Zion Lutheran in Anchorage. We were the only table with two Alaskans so that was exciting.

The “case study” consisted of playing a tape of leaders of the church such as a pastor or volunteer and talking about their perspective. It was interesting to hear. One of the “case studies” had a pastor who was “sermon focused but not a people person” while the other was “people and outreach” focused but had little concern for sustaining current membership. After listening to each recording our tables would discuss what we thought.
Another case study we listened to was a leader who was “my way or the highway” who “did everything herself” while the opposing leader “waited for others to take ownership” which would sometimes result on no action. It was interesting to hear the view points of the pastors, and LCT’s at my table.

After the case study sessions we drove back to Portland. We made a quick stop at the Cheesecake Factory for lunch and then left on the plane. One the plane ride back I slept most of the way. When we began to make our bumpy decent (which I’m told is typical for winter in Alaska), my left ear refused to pop.

I tired yawning, chewing gum, plugging my nose and blowing, swallowing water. NOTHING helped and as we neared landing I was brought to tears because of the intense pressure which was excruciatingly painful. This had never happened to me before. I have been on plane rides many times before and been just fine. My right ear was fine but my left ear would not budge.

Jamie gave me her stuffed pig which I pretty much squeezed to death because the pain was so intense. After landing and getting our luggage my ear still would not pop. I got home and thought that perhaps overnight I would sleep and the pressure would equalize.

Sleep did not come. It was so painful. I took Tylenol and then went on the internet to find a way, ANY WAY, to relieve the pain and pressure. I stood on my head, sipped water upside down, and chewed gum, swallowed marshmallows NOTHING would work. I finally fell asleep somewhere after 5:00am. I awoke to my alarm but had only been sleeping for a couple hours and the pain still present.

I went into work in the later morning and Pastor urged me to go see a doctor. Living in Alaska and having a private insurance company from Minnesota presents a major headache.

“Your physical address is in Minnesota?”
“Yes” I replied
“And your billing address is in Minnesota?”
“Yes” I said again
“I’m going to need to see some ID and make a few phone calls…”

After over an hour of waiting they finally figured out my insurance. I swear, if I was bleeding from the eyeballs they would not treat you until they have insurance figured out. My patience was running low from lack of sleep and intense pain but I eventually saw a doctor.

Come to find out, I have a sinus infection and my left ear (the one that couldn’t pop) had an ear infection. To relieve the pressure then made a small incision in my ear to equalize the pressure from my inner and outer ear which brought me IMMEDIATE relief! Things still sound underwater but at least the pain is gone! PRAISE GOD! They gave me some antibiotics and ear drops to prevent infection and now that it’s the end of the work day—I can BEGIN the “To Do” list which accumulated from being gone for a week. At least the pain in my ear is gone :)

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