Friday, October 21, 2011

My Life in National Geographic

Today in the minimal amount of time I spent in the office (the majority was spent in the doctors office getting my sinus infection/ear infection figured out) there was an interesting scene out my window.

Last night a group from the congregation came in to process a moose. Several times a year moose are killed by cars and our church is on the lottery list so that when our number is called we can have it and process it for  the church's food shelf. I helped with one earlier this year, you can see the story at an earlier blog here.

The leftover parts were dumped in back of the church and it led to a squabble between some ravens and two bald eagles. I shall tell the stories with the pictures and their captions below as pictures tell it better than I can check it out... 

(Click on any image to view it larger)

First there was one Bald Eagle...
And then he brought a friend
And they mingled with the ravens...

Until the ravens encroached on the moose meat... 

And the Bald Eagles let out a warning call...
And chased them away...

ALL of them...

They both got the meat they wanted...

 They're pretty bold

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