Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Bouquet of Dandelions

Today I arrived at work as usual. One of the volunteers and head of decorations, Samantha, arrived as well. Samantha has two children a four year old named Brianna and a four month old boy. Since Samantha is a stay at home mom she brings both children with her to help decorate. Brianna spends most her time in the nursery playing with toys, or helping her mom, Samantha with whatever she can. I was in my office when I heard the little feet running down the hallway.

"Miss Kristi?! Miss Kristi where are you?" four-year-old Brianna called.

"I'm down here" I replied

I heard her little feet running towards my office

"Miss Kristi, I picked these for you!"

In her hands Brianna held a bouquet of dandelions.

"They are beautiful" I told her.

"I'm going to go play now" she said as she ran away.

Dandelions are funny things. Weeds to most, but to Brianna they are a beautiful flower, and to me they brightened my day. :)

I went to the basement to get a Styrofoam cup and water to put the dandelions in. Later in the day when I was eating lunch in my office Brianna returned.

"Miss Kristi what are you eating?"

"Turkey sandwich, and apples" I replied

"Oooohhh! I had waffles for lunch" she said

Then Brianna noticed the dandelions in the Styrofoam cup on my desk

"You kept them?!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, of course they are pretty"

"I'm glad you like them, dad does not, he says they are weeds, but if you like them I will pick you some more tomorrow!"

I guess this means I will have fresh floral arrangements for the next few days until VBS decorating is over. Needless to say the perks of my "job" are many and each day I see God working through those around me. The affirmation each day in the little things that I see around me, make me realize more and more that I am right where God wants me to be. :)

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