Monday, June 27, 2011

VBS week in Review

The week of Vacation Bible School (VBS) is over. What a rush! I am still in a daze. This year’s VBS was the largest that Our Redeemer Lutheran Church has had in over four years. Over 50 participants came to the “One-of-a-Kind Zoo” adventure as they learned about God’s word through Bible Study, games, music, and even snacks.

I, personally, have participated in Vacation Bible School since I was four. Starting out as a participant, then graduating to a volunteer, next a teacher, and this year as an all-around go-fer. It was very exhausting and rewarding.

My heart goes out to all who helped. As mentioned before, I have come understand just how critical volunteers are. Those who donated food, ironed shirts logos, the parents who brought their children, teachers, leaders, the church as a whole for allowing such an event to take place, the list goes on and on! Words cannot express the pure joy and gratitude I feel for all those involved.

The people who made it all happen!

Allow me to give you an overview of the week. Each day of VBS was dedicated to a particular animal that fits into the overall theme of a “One-of-a-Kind Zoo”.

Adam and Eve (Genesis 3)
“One-of-a Kind Snake and a One-of-a Kind Promise”

King Balak and Balaam and the talking donkey (Numbers 22-24)
“One-of-a Kind Donkey and A One-of-a Kind Blessing”

Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6)
“One-of-a Kind Lion and A One-of-a Kind Rescue”

Jonah (Jonah)
“One-of-a Kind Fish and A One-of-a Kind Lesson”

Jesus the Good Shepherd (John 1:29; John 10:1-30)
“One-of-a Kind Sheep and A One-of-a Kind Shepherd”

Every detail was planned out to highlight the theme of the day. From the music to snacks, it all connected. We had some pretty creative snacks including snake and donkey cookies, and Under-the-Sea gold-fish/Finding Nemo snack mix.

What I observed at VBS, the way the congregation, and volunteers work together, is exactly what Paul was talking about in his letter to the Corinthians as he talks about our spiritual gifts and how they work within the Body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12). “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-5).

Each of us has unique talents. When we surround ourselves with people who fill in our gaps, we have an effective team. Often, opposites attract and are much more successful working together than people of similar talents. We need eyes, feet, hands, minds, and many other body parts if the body of Christ is to function smoothly.

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